Wycliffe New Zealand

Te Kupu Whai Ora a te Atua (God's Word of Life)

PO Box 276005
Manukau City
Auckland 2241
New Zealand
phone: 64 (9) 262 8440
fax: 64 (9) 262 8449
web: www.wycliffenz.org
email: admin@wycliffenz.org

Wayne Freeman, Associate Director of Wycliffe New Zealand, shares about how the organisation is participating in the Bible translation movement.

Wayne Freeman, Director Asociado de Wycliffe Nueva Zelanda, nos cuenta cómo la organización está participando en el movimiento de traducción bíblica.

Wayne Freeman, Directeur adjoint de Wycliffe Nouvelle-Zélande, explique comment son organisation participe au mouvement en faveur de la traduction de la Bible.

Wayne Freeman, Diretor Associado da Wycliffe da Nova Zelândia, compartilha sobre como a organização tem participado do movimento de tradução da Bíblia.

新西蘭威克理夫聖經翻譯會的副總幹事費里曼(Wayne Freeman)分享該會如何參與聖經翻譯運動。

AI, Bible translation and the Global Gathering

Technology that is impacting Bible translation is also provi...

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Joy, then sadness in Indonesia and Benin

The gospel in the Kalumpang language was formally launched o...

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Africa reflections: Youth potential, and training

Strategies to bring the youth into the Bible translation mov...

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