Wycliffe Caribbean
7 - 7A South Avenue, Swallowfield
Kingston 5, Jamaica, West Indies
Jamaica, (W.I.)
phone: (876) 754-9334
fax: (876) 908-2970
web: www.wycliffecaribbean.org
email: director@wycliffecaribbean.org
On April 22, 1993, Wycliffe Bible Translators Caribbean was officially launched in Trinidad & Tobago, with a Board of Directors. It was founded with the purpose of engaging the Caribbean Church for the creation of a Bible translation and intercultural missions Movement across the region. To mobilize its people to obey the Great Commission to evangelize the world. Our focus, as one of a large family of Wycliffe Global Alliance partners in Bible translation, is on providing the Word of God for thousands of people groups in the languages they know best. Wycliffe Caribbean is structured and operated through National Wycliffe Teams covering six Caribbean nations (currently), with our Head Office on our own property in Swallowfield, Kingston, Jamaica.