


2025 願景的再思    撰文:馮家熙 [2021]

A Word About the Alliance Covenant by Dr. Stephen Coertze [2021]
In a season when most Wycliffe Global Alliance organisations have signed our Covenant / Statement of Commitment, Executive Director Stephen Coertze explains more fully what action this means and what it does not mean.

Leading in the Certainty of Uncertain Times by Dr. Susan van Wynen [2020]
This research focused on the potential for Christ-following leaders to develop a theological and missiological posture in response to the current volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world context. This research looks at how the attitudes and actions of the corporate world have influenced those of Christian organisations and Christian leadership. The corporate world primarily focuses on strategies for overcoming the challenges of the VUCA environment, but this research explores how Christ-following leaders might benefit from looking more deeply at what VUCA represents, rather than merely accepting and reacting to it.

The Future of the Bible Translation Movement Survey by Dr. Kirk Franklin and Susan van Wynen [2020]
During the last two weeks of April 2020, an online survey was offered to the directors of Wycliffe Global Alliance organisations. The purpose was to identify what the Bible translation movement could look like during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a means of determining how Alliance organisations were affected, thus far, by the crisis and it offers a glimpse of how leaders are thinking about and preparing for the future.

Searching for shalom: Transformation in the mission of God and the Bible translation movement by Dr. Kirk Franklin [2020]
The background of this study was to explore the Old Testament vision of shalom and determine how it was relevant to its holistic mission, Bible translation, transformational development and the world’s challenges and trends.

A missiology of progress: Assessing advancement in the Bible translation movement by Dr. Kirk Franklin [2020]
How do we know what God considers progress in the Bible translation movement and what milestones are theologically significant in the coming decades?

How can the Reformation’s focus on faithfulness to Scripture inspire us for mission? by Dr. Kirk Franklin [2018]
Since the 16th century Protestant Reformation, the issue of divine inspiration and authority of the Bible has stood at the centre of Reformed faith. The question asked then, which is still with us, is whether the Bible is sufficient and complete as a revelation from God? Conflicts that arose during the Reformation still brew today, albeit with different players and contexts. Furthermore, how does the faithfulness to Scripture by reformers, such as William Tyndale and Martin Luther, and pre-Reformer, John Wycliffe, influence the church’s involvement and influence in God’s mission today?

Leading in Global-Glocal Missional Contexts: Learning from the Journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance by Dr. Kirk Franklin [2017]
The journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance is an example of how some paradigm shifts are influencing leading in mission. Since Christianity is both an agent and product of globalization, its beliefs have spread from one source to another, crossing religious, linguistic and cultural contexts. As a result, there are polycentric or multiple centres of influence since Christianity has homes within a diversity of contexts. This carries with it various implications including how partnering in mission needs to be deconceptualized through greater emphasis on friendship.

A paradigm for global mission leadership: the journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance by Dr. Kirk Franklin [2016]
Developing leaders with a global mindset—how globalization and the mission of God help shape the path forward. Doctoral thesis by Kirk Franklin, Executive Director of the Wycliffe Global Alliance, published by the University of Pretoria, South Africa, February 2016.

Polycentrism in the missio Dei by Dr. Kirk Franklin, Dr. Nelus Niemandt [2016]
As Christianity moved farther away from the Christendom model of centralised control to other models of structure and leadership, other paradigms have been proposed along the way. However, one possibility, called the concept of polycentrism, has not been considered with any significant effort.

Funding God’s Mission: Towards a Missiology of Generosity by Dr. Kirk Franklin, Dr. Nelus Niemandt [2015]
This article focuses on the question of identifying the missiological implications that arise in the raising of and managing of funds in God’s mission, particularly as the church continues its demographic shift from the West to the global South and East.

Missiological Reflections on Funding by Minyoung Jung [2014]
Mission agencies and many other nonprofit organizations have felt the impact of the global financial crisis. This situation calls us to seriously revisit and reevaluate existing funding systems. Our total dependence on God in everything, including funds, is probably the most prominent concept in Scripture.

Vision 2025 and the Bible translation movement by Dr. Kirk Franklin, Dr. Nelus Niemandt [2013]
This research focuses on one organisation withing the global Bible translation movement - the Wycliffe Global Alliance. The research explores the historical theological influences on the Alliance, the missiological significance of the translatability of the Bible and the missiological theological implications of Vision 2025. The aim is to determine how the Alliance has responded to these areas in light of the changing global church and mission context.

神的使命與聖經翻譯  撰文:Eddie Arthur [2013]

Missio Dei and the Mission of the Church by Eddie Arthur [2013]
"The concept of missio Dei ... is essentially that the work or mission of the church is a subset of the work of God in the world, rather than something with an independent existence."

Changing Paradigms, Missio Dei and the Seven Streams of Participation by Kirk Franklin [2013]
Changing Paradigms, Missio Dei and the Seven Streams of Participation

The Wycliffe Global Alliance and Bible Translation Movements by Kirk Franklin [2012]
A series of 18 articles looking at the implications for the Wycliffe Global Alliance with respect to the church’s demographic shift from the West to the global South and East. These deal with major topics such as the missio Dei, missiological and historical foundations of Bible translation, mission strategy, and mission agency leadership.

Exploring Language in all its “Slipperiness” by Eddie Arthur [2012]
Reflections on the importance of thoughtful and serious dialogue on translation issues.

Transformed hearts, transformed lives by Mr. Dave Pearson [2010]
Wycliffe is committed to Integral Mission: the proclamation AND demonstration of the gospel.

Bible Translation as Holistic Mission by Kirk Franklin [2008]
If marginalised people are denied the Word of God in their heart language, there is less likelihood of complete holistic transformational development occurring.

The Apostle Paul, Asian Diaspora and Mission by Kirk Franklin [2008]
Just as the Apostle Paul focussed initially on reaching the Jewish Diaspora as a means of spreading the gospel, so must the modern Asian Diaspora do its part in global missions.

Liberating Word by Phillip Jenkins [2008]
Today, as the centre of gravity of the Christian world moves ever southward, the conservative traditions prevailing in the global South matter even more.

Why Bible Translation is Important by Eddie Arthur [2008]
We have two powerful models of the centrality of Scripture translation in God's mission: the historical incarnation ('translation') of Jesus Christ to express God to humans in their terms; and the resulting 'translation of the translator' whenever humans engage in Scripture translation themselves.

Rooted in the Character of God by Eddie Arthur [2006]
The motivation for Bible translation is rooted in the very character of God.

Bible translation and the cross-cultural DNA of the church by Patrick Johnstone [2006]
A historical overview of the place of Bible translation in the context of the history of the spread of the Church.

The Vernacular Treasure: A Century of Mother-Tongue Bible Translation by Harriet Hill [2006]
An overview of the rate of development of Bible translation in the 20 centuries since the birth of the Church at Pentecost and how the adoption of Vision 2025 in 1999 has impacted that rate of development through adoption of creative strategies.

Why we translate the Bible by David Nicholls [2003]
We believe Bible translation is one of the best, most appropriate and most justifiable methods of Christian mission available. To have the truth and not proclaim it, is to deny it.

The Role And Significance Of The Translation Of The Bible by Kwame Bediako [2001]
African Christianity today is inconceivable apart from the existence of the Bible in African indigenous languages. We have to regard African Christianity as potentially the representative Christianity of the twenty-first century.

04/2024 太平洋,巴布亞紐幾內亞

資訊、教導、啟發 : 巴布亞新畿內亞的語言群體學習用短片講故事

對一對宣教士夫婦來說,在異文化中做聖經翻譯的工作,讓他們既疲倦又繃緊。他們在家裏激烈地吵起來。 太太:為甚麼你總是責怪我?為甚麼你不去作一點事? 丈夫:我很忙啊!你知道我有多少事情要處理嗎?你知道這會議很重要! 太太:不要再責怪我了! 這對夫婦的園丁喬士把這一切聽在耳裏。之後,他把這件事轉告朋友喬爾,而喬爾恰好是翻譯團隊的主要成員。 喬爾責備喬士說長道短的習慣,兩人氣氛開始緊張起來,喬士錯誤指責喬爾參與了最近令他叔叔死亡的巫術。兩人最後揮拳相向。 後來,喬士發現了真相 —— 他的叔叔其實是因心臟病去世的。他又從一名紮根於神話語的牧者,獲得明智的建議,喬士決定向那些曾被他冤枉的人尋求寬恕。 ••• 這是二十分鐘短片 Yu Go Tok Sori Tu? 的劇情概要。在巴布亞新畿內亞的托克皮辛語(Tok Pisin)中,片名意思是:「你去道歉了嗎?」來自不同背景的基督徒在合作時,往往要與罪的交戰,這項挑戰在道歉不普遍的文化中,更為困難。這齣短片是個例子,說明尋求寬恕與復和,會帶來祝福。 2月6至15日,在巴布亞新畿內亞世界少數民族語文研究院(SIL)舉行的國際媒體服務(International Media Services, IMS)短片攝製工作坊上,這短片是參加者四個精心製作的項目之一。參加者來自不同的背景,從領袖、牧者、宣教士,到致力參與聖經翻譯及其相關事工的個別人士。 Yu Go Tok Sori Tu在工作坊最後一天作首映。首映夜在東部高地省烏克倫巴的一間教會舉行,當地人和在巴布亞新畿內亞服侍的各國宣教士都有出席。 首映後,短片給上傳到YouTube,讓社群內外的人士都可以看到,除了在社交媒體上,還可以透過流動電話分享。 參加者在工作坊的WhatsApp 群組裏交流收到的回應,其中一人寫道: 「今天早上市場上有三個本地人(他們沒有來看首映),說很喜歡我們製作的影片。我問他們如何看到,他們說有人將檔案分享到朋友的流動電話上。他們問甚麼時候會有另一齣短片。巴布亞新畿內亞人對這類影片非常感興趣!」 另一人寫道:「阿們!我有幾個朋友在YouTube 觀看後,也說我們應該繼續製作此類影片。榮耀歸主!」 一名工作坊導師寫道: 「今天早上,在托克皮辛教會的崇拜上,一名巴布亞新畿內亞翻譯員講了一篇有關寬恕的道。講道內容談到巴布亞新畿內亞文化如何透過賠償來結束分歧,但雙方都沒有尋求寬恕或原諒,而錯誤總是埋藏在心裏,日後又再提起。這讓我在構思影片故事時,想起了我們的對話,事實上,這是個必須解決的重要問題。」 用媒體把聖經翻譯出來 短片工作坊由國際媒體服務 (IMS SIL International)培訓總監恩斯特(Andreas Ernst)設計,其理念源自用多媒體把聖經翻譯出來,有助促進「與聖經聯結」的信念。 恩斯特說:「溝通不是一條單程路,同樣地,有關『與聖經聯結』的對話,是從聖靈在我們所服侍的人的生命中工作,引發出來的。這課程以耶穌為榜樣,祂透過提問、對話,和使用本地的敘事方式,讓祂的受眾發現神的愛,並祂於他們的生命中同在。在我看來,這種方法在SIL中使用得並不足夠,所以我很高興發現巴布亞新畿內亞SIL的工作人員和合作伙伴對這種方法感興趣。」 恩斯特(Andreas Ernst)向學員示範使用綠幕製作短片的訪問技巧。攝影 :Susan Frey 本次工作坊由SIL巴布亞新畿內亞的媒體專家費蘇珊(Susan Frey)發起並籌辦。威克理夫國際聯會的翻譯與短片統籌員麥嘉芙(Cathy Miedes) ,與恩斯特和費蘇珊,一同主持課程。學員學習透過錄像類型,如短片、基於圖像的聖經故事短片、音樂短片,和以訪問為本的「說話者」風格資訊短片,來呈現福音和相關真理。 費蘇珊(Susan Frey)示範使用短片編輯軟件,為學員提供實務指導。攝影:Andreas Ernst 費蘇珊說,在世界各地,隨著短片和其他數碼媒體在日常生活中越發普及,它們不再是事工的一種選擇或附加內容,而是人們預期的。 她說:「在巴布亞新畿內亞,無論人的識字程度如何,許多人仍然強烈偏好口語交流。短片可以是非常有效又有力的工具,為社群提供資訊,教導和啟發他們。」 「本課程的優點之一,是它教導參加者以符合道德和本地化的方式,使用短片。我希望它幫助我們擺脫以往的傾向,就是怎樣講述我們所服侍的社群的故事,並進而裝備這些社群講述自己的故事。」 在麥嘉芙( Cathy Miedes ) 主持的一節課中,學員練習取景拍攝和適切地移動相機。攝影:Susan Frey 神故事的管家 除了學習短片製作的技巧外,工作坊又強調媒體製作 —— 即使對非專業人士來說 —— 也是神使命的關鍵要素。聯會製作的培訓短片Stewardship of Story(故事的管家)強調,我們都有責任報告神在我們中間的作為的故事。 麥嘉芙說:「當與小組分享這短片時,我覺得當中信息以一種非同尋常的方式,引起參加者的共鳴。那些最初因其他原因而對完成課程表示擔憂的人,選擇留下來,並設法按時上課;有些人甚至在聚會結束後留下來,完成他們的功課。看來他們抓住了重點:我們都是神故事的管家。」 各參加者展示短片製作工作坊中使用的拍攝設備。攝影:Andreas Ernst 撰文:Cathy Miedes(威克理夫國際聯會)


04/2024 全球






一個博物館竟然是威克理夫國際聯會的機構之一,或會令人驚訝,為此,聖經嗎哪博物館(Maná Museum of the Bible)的領袖分享說,博物館的熱忱是啟發人探索聖經、聖經歷史和聖經神學。
