We ac­knowl­edge that our high­est goal is to glo­rify God and en­joy Him for­ever. We rec­og­nize that God is our ad­e­quacy, our con­fi­dence, our safety, and our sat­is­fac­tion. We seek to choose what is good and flee what is bad, and so eval­u­ate and mea­sure our de­ci­sions, ac­tions and re­la­tion­ships based on the bib­li­cal re­al­i­ties of Com­mu­nity, the Cross and the New Creation.

The Vision

Mo­ti­vated by the press­ing need for all peo­ples to have ac­cess to the Word of God in a lan­guage that speaks to their hearts, and reaf­firm­ing our his­toric val­ues and our trust in God to ac­com­plish the impossible.

We em­brace the vi­sion that by the year 2025 a Bible trans­la­tion pro­ject will be in progress for every peo­ple group that needs it.

We ac­knowl­edge that this can­not be ac­com­plished sim­ply by our work­ing harder or do­ing more of what we are now do­ing. It will re­quire us to make sig­nif­i­cant changes in our at­ti­tudes and ways of working.

Our de­sire is to build ca­pac­ity for sus­tain­able Bible trans­la­tion pro­grams and Scrip­ture-use ac­tiv­i­ties. There­fore, we urge each en­tity within our fam­ily of or­ga­ni­za­tions to give pri­or­ity to strength­en­ing pre­sent part­ner­ships, form­ing ad­di­tional strate­gic part­ner­ships, and work­ing to­gether to de­velop cre­ative ap­proaches ap­pro­pri­ate to each context.

To this end we com­mit our­selves to pray for the ful­fill­ment of this vi­sion, seek­ing God’s guid­ance and obey­ing Him in what­ever new di­rec­tions He may lead.

Vi­sion 2025 serves as a re­minder that we con­tin­u­ously need to re­flect on what we see around us and be­fore us as we par­tic­i­pate in Bible trans­la­tion. Vi­sion 2025 was de­vel­oped and adopted in 1999 by both Wycliffe In­ter­na­tional (pre­de­ces­sor of the Wycliffe Global Al­liance) and part­ner or­ga­ni­za­tion, SIL In­ter­na­tional. Adopted in re­sponse to mis­si­o­log­i­cal and prac­ti­cal re­al­i­ties of the time, this Vi­sion has mo­ti­vated and in­spired many peo­ple and or­ga­ni­za­tions to cre­ate and join Bible trans­la­tion move­ments around the world.

The Al­liance Jour­ney in Re­sponse to Vi­sion 2025: A Mis­si­o­log­i­cal Conversation

03/2024 Pacific: Papua New Guinea

Informing, teaching, inspiring: PNG workshop teaches video storytelling for language communities

PNG workshop teaches video storytelling for language communities

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02/2024 Global

Looking ahead at 2024

As the year unfolds, we marvel at the work of God in our rapidly changing world. And, we look forward to a number of gatherings and conversations intended to draw us together.

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01/2024 Americas

Telling the Bible's Story

It may come as a surprise that a museum is among the Wycliffe Global Alliance organisations.

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