Project: Global Image Sharing System
Project Name: Global Image Sharing System
Implementing Organisation: Wycliffe Global Alliance
Contact Person: Phil_Prior, Alliance Director for Communication / Matthew Bore, Alliance Project Funding Manager
Start date: 1 October 2024
End date: 30 September 2026
The Alliance’s Skip photo library has moved from obsolete supporting technology to PhotoShelter, a leading digital asset management tool. The license fee was initially paid through September 2024. Since the introduction of PhotoShelter, image submissions have increased and the overall user experience is much improved. The photo library has more than 300 users from all four Alliance regions. In the new library’s first 12 months, these users downloaded more than 10,000 images. Now, funding is needed for the next two years to continue providing this valuable resource to all Alliance organisations.
The Skip photo library is managed by a small editorial team which includes staff members from several Alliance organisations along with members of the Alliance Communication team. The system allows photographers and administrators to directly contribute photos. And, the editorial team can call on photographers from almost any part of the world to contribute to the image library. This reduces the need to fly specialist teams around the world — and it increases collaboration among Alliance organisations.
Alliance organisations need to be able to show their audiences what God is doing around the world through Bible translation movements. Since 2012, the Skip photo library has played a significant part by giving all Alliance organisations access to high-quality photos.
The Skip library was initially managed by the Wycliffe News Network, a team of writers, photographers and videographers who created content for Alliance organisations to use. By 2019, the principle of this centralised service no longer fit the global strategy of working through Alliance organisations. The Wycliffe News Network ceased to exist; however, the need remains for all Alliance organisations to have access to a shared photo library.
The free technology on which the original Skip library was built is obsolete. In early 2022, PhotoShelter was identified as the preferred software to support/host the Skip Library. (Photoshelter was highly recommended by current users including Wycliffe USA, JAARS, Wycliffe Canada and SIL International.) Through the financial support of Wycliffe USA, this system was set up for the Alliance and the initial license fee paid through September 2024.
Determination of Need
Since Skip was relaunched on PhotoShelter in 2023, records show how much it has been valued. The collection has more than 300 users from all four Alliance regions. In the new library’s first 12 months, these users downloaded more than 10,000 images.
- The PhotoShelter system can share high-quality, easily accessible images with the entire Alliance.
- A small team of editors from several Alliance organisations, along with members of the Alliance Communication team, maintains the system and manages photo contributions.
- New photos can be obtained continuously from Alliance organisations. Each organisation can be given access to upload and use available photos.
Project Goals
- Provide high-quality images freely available to all Alliance organisations for use in their public communications.
- Increase the participation of Alliance organisations in sharing images for publication.
- Share responsibility with Alliance organisations for the maintenance of the image library and give the opportunity for photographic staff members to be involved globally in Bible translation movements.
Desired Results
- Maintain global access to a royalty-free image library for use by all Alliance organisations and designated partners.
- Increase participation of Alliance organisations in the work of the Alliance.
Project Activities
1: Provide high-quality images free of charge to all Alliance organisations for use within their public communications.
- Pay the relevant subscription license for the image library (PhotoShelter).
- Maintain the Alliance image database.
2: Increase the participation of Alliance organisations in sharing images for publication.
- Identify and engage potential Alliance organisation communication staff members as content providers
- Provide online orientation for new users
3: Share responsibility with Alliance organisations for the maintenance of the image library and give the opportunity for photographic staff to be involved globally in Bible translation movements.
- Maintain and grow the editorial team by working with Alliance organisations.
The sustainability of this project will be assured by:
- Continued partnership with Alliance organisations.
- Promoting ownership of the initiative by Alliance organisations.
Monitoring and Evaluation
This project will be monitored by Phil Prior, Alliance Director for Communication, to ensure it progresses according to plan and that outlined tasks are completed on time, on budget and according to the desired outcomes. This project will also be evaluated periodically to determine if there are areas where performance can be enhanced.
The Alliance Project Funding Manager will also monitor the project to ensure all project funding related agreements are observed.
Risks and Alternatives
There are no significant anticipated risks for this project. However, below are some low-risk aspects:
- Lack of contributing experts from Alliance organisations. As an alternative, trainings will be organised periodically in order to sharpen volunteer skills.
- Data breach: In order to minimize possible data breach, users will be given access using validated email addresses. There will be no use of financial data or personal information, hence the risk is very low.
- Inappropriate use of images for other purposes. This risk is minimal because users of the system will be from Alliance organisations or partner organisations where there is an existing relationship.
(in USD)
This covers the annual PhotoShelter license, data storage cost and a small project administration cost.
FY 2025: $10,450
FY 2026: $10,450
Two-year total need: $20,900
For more information, including budget details, contact us at
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Americas, global
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