The Wycliffe Global Alliance in Community


These prin­ci­ples were de­vel­oped from the re­flec­tions and dis­cus­sions at the Wycliffe Global Al­liance Mis­si­o­log­i­cal Con­sul­ta­tion on Com­mu­nity, held in Ac­cra, Ghana, 18-19 Au­gust 2012.

The con­sul­ta­tion in­cluded 12 par­tic­i­pants from nine nations.

Principles of Community

  1. We are created for community and called to community (creation and calling).
  2. We are God’s people, called to consistently and lovingly relate and behave according to the instruction of His Word and the example of Christ (identity—who we are together).
  3. Living and serving in community glorifies God and provides a tangible example of the Gospel in action. We reflect the image of God through intentionally modelling authentic community (how we live together).
  4. A community that glorifies God attracts people to God and His mission (what we do together).

Full article

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