Global Gathering FAQ

Who runs the event?

The Global Gathering is convened by the Wycliffe Global Alliance Board of Directors and planned and organised by the event director (Hannes Wiesmann).

What is the purpose of the Global Gathering?

The Wycliffe Global Alliance holds global gatherings every four years in support of our purpose, mission, vision and core values. The overall theme of the 2024 Global Gathering is Growing Together. This will carry two meanings: Growing together as we grow closer to each other, and growing together as we learn and develop together.

Every element of the Global Gathering is intended to help us grow together—from times of worship and celebration to inspiring stage presentations, community discussions around tables, even meal and break times. All are intended to help us explore and discern God’s presence and direction.

Who should attend?

The board chair and executive director/president of each Alliance organisation will be invited to attend the Global Gathering. In the rare occasion of an organisation having a different structure, other invitations may be issued by the Global Gathering director.

Also attending:

  • Wycliffe Global Alliance Board of Directors and officers
  • Wycliffe Global Alliance leadership team
  • Special guests and friends from other organisations within the Bible translation movement
  • Personnel to run the Global Gathering

What if I am invited but cannot attend? May I send someone else?

Please note that the invitation is personal to you and therefore cannot simply be passed on to another person (this is also true for invitations of Alliance organisation board chairs and directors).

If you cannot attend the Gathering, please let us know in the pre-registration form and indicate who you suggest should attend in your stead. We will then follow up on this.

How is my participation financed?

Unless you have been informed otherwise in an email addressed to you personally, you are required to cover your travel and accommodation costs.

Can my spouse come with me?

Only people with invitations may attend the Global Gathering. If you intend to bring your spouse, please contact us for further details.

Will the Gathering organise an outing?

There will be no group outing during the Global Gathering.

How can I support the GG?

Please pray for the Global Gathering. We will update this page soon with how you can do this.

You can also subsidise participants who cannot cover the cost of attending the Gathering. Either directly contact your area director or email Global Gathering Director Hannes Wiesmann,

Where can I get further information?

If you represent an Alliance organisation, please get in touch with your respective Area Director.

All other inquiries can be addressed to Global Gathering Director Hannes Wiesmann,