Changing Paradigms, Missio Dei and the Seven Streams of Participation

Based on a presentation given by

Kirk Franklin, Executive Director Wycliffe Global Alliance

Manado, Indonesia February 2013

Summarized by Dawn Kruger

No one to­day would ques­tion the state­ment that rapid glob­al­iza­tion over the past decade or two has changed life on every con­ti­nent in nearly every way. Changes in busi­ness, pol­i­tics, eco­nom­ics, health and so­cial in­ter­ac­tions have launched hu­man­ity into a new re­al­ity in the 21st cen­tury.

Con­tin­u­ous change is that which hap­pens in a pre­dictable man­ner through ex­pected path­ways. For ex­am­ple, the tele­graph mor­ph­ing into tele­phones, which then be­come wire­less and even­tu­ally pocket-sized cell va­ri­eties, could be con­sid­ered con­tin­u­ous de­vel­op­ment – tak­ing what is and mak­ing it better.

Dis­con­tin­u­ous change, how­ever, is a dis­rup­tive phe­nom­e­non that col­lides with the pre­dictable, re­sult­ing in a change of course to­ward a new and un­fa­mil­iar path. The in­ter­net and so­cial me­dia are good ex­am­ples of dis­rup­tive change. While the cell phone it­self may have been a log­i­cal next in­ven­tion, adding in­ter­net ca­pa­bil­i­ties with im­me­di­ate and global so­cial ca­pac­ity re­de­fines users’ re­la­tion­ships to knowl­edge, in­for­ma­tion and peo­ple. Rox­burgh & Re­manuk, in their book The Mis­sional Leader, claim that dis­con­tin­u­ous change “cre­ates sit­u­a­tions that chal­lenge our as­sump­tions…and trans­form the cul­ture for­ever, tip­ping it into some­thing new” (Rox­urgh & Ro­manuk 2006.7).

This phe­nom­e­non of glob­al­iza­tion cou­pled with dis­con­tin­u­ous change calls for a par­a­digm shift in lead­er­ship – a new kind of mind­set that not only ad­justs, but proac­tively gives new lead­er­ship in light of the unan­tic­i­pated re­al­ity. In other words, the way we’ve done things no longer works, and those who can change the quick­est will be the most suc­cess­ful in the new world. It’s not sim­ply a mat­ter of tweak­ing what we do or “learn­ing new in­sights and skills but…un­learn­ing what [is con­sid­ered to be] tried and true” (Lead­er­ship­Next, Gibbs 2005:25. Ital­ics added).

“Mis­sion is not the sole re­spon­si­bil­ity of West­ern Chris­t­ian na­tions as some once as­sumed. To­day the Global Church has emerged as a dy­namic par­tic­i­pant in God’s mission….”

This is the chal­lenge we face in the Bible trans­la­tion move­ment to­day, re­quir­ing a par­a­digm shift on many levels.

Not only has the dis­con­tin­u­ous im­pact of glob­al­iza­tion im­pacted pol­i­tics, economies and so­ci­eties, it has also im­pacted the Church. Rec­og­niz­ing that the cen­ter of grav­ity in the global Church has shifted, it is im­per­a­tive that we ex­am­ine the ef­fects of that shift on the poli­cies and prac­tices of global mis­sion move­ments. Mis­sion is not the sole re­spon­si­bil­ity of West­ern Chris­t­ian na­tions as some once as­sumed. To­day the Global Church has emerged as a dy­namic par­tic­i­pant in God’s mis­sion, and we in Wycliffe need to ad­just our mind­set to this new re­al­ity; we need to find a new way to think and to act as one seam­lessly united Church of the West, the South and the East. This re­quires a par­a­digm shift in how we view our­selves and our work.

Dis­con­tin­u­ous change is not new. God him­self has used it to redi­rect His peo­ple through­out his­tory. A good ex­am­ple of God-im­posed dis­con­tin­u­ous change is Pen­te­cost. Prior to that event­ful day, the dis­ci­ples did noth­ing to pre­pare for it (no prac­ticed ser­mons, no Pow­er­Points, no out­lines). In­deed they couldn’t pre­pare; they didn’t see it com­ing. They sim­ply waited as they were in­structed to do. Sud­denly the Holy Spirit came upon them with power, and they spoke what was on their hearts—the won­ders of God in the lan­guages of the people.

Through this su­per­nat­ural event, God in­tro­duced a new way of com­mu­ni­cat­ing His mes­sage. Prior to Pen­te­cost, peo­ple had God’s Word (the Old Tes­ta­ment) in He­brew and in Greek, and com­mu­nity with God was found within the con­text of the He­brew cul­ture. But with the un­ex­pected com­ing of the Holy Spirit, God val­i­dated every lan­guage and cul­ture, in­tro­duc­ing in­fi­nite trans­lata­bil­ity to the gospel. Whereas Ba­bel was a dis­con­tin­u­ous change that sym­bol­ized God’s judg­ment on a global re­bel­lion against him, Pen­te­cost was a dis­con­tin­u­ous change that sym­bol­ized God’s af­fir­ma­tion of cul­tures and peo­ple and lan­guage, as He per­son­ally in­vited them to be rec­on­ciled back into fel­low­ship with him through the preach­ing of His Word in their mother tongue. From that event churches were planted through­out the then-known world, pre­sum­ably in the lo­cal languages.

It’s im­por­tant to note the role the Holy Spirit played on the day of Pen­te­cost and fol­low­ing. God’s mis­sion is de­pen­dent upon the Holy Spirit re­gard­less of any cul­tural, so­cial, eco­nomic, po­lit­i­cal and lin­guis­tic bar­ri­ers that ex­ist. This ac­tion of God send­ing the Spirit is not pas­sive. Rather it demon­strates how the Spirit em­pow­ers the peo­ple of God to par­tic­i­pate with him in an out­ward move­ment to the na­tions, plant­ing churches wher­ever He goes. It’s God’s mis­sion which will be ac­com­plished by God’s Spirit through God’s peo­ple. We don’t take the ini­tia­tive; we sim­ply re­spond to God.

Jesus makes this very clear in John 20:21-24.  In this pas­sage He speaks to a group of fright­ened dis­ci­ples. He shows them His hands and feet as proof of His res­ur­rec­tion, and then says to them, “As the Fa­ther has sent me, I am send­ing you” and He breathes the Holy Spirit onto them. God the Fa­ther is at the cen­tre of the mis­sio Dei. He sent the Son to re­deem the world. Then the risen Son sent the Spirit to com­plete God’s mis­sion, us­ing peo­ple to carry out that mis­sion.  The mis­sion is God’s. God calls His Church to par­tic­i­pate with him in it as a sign and sym­bol of the reign of God. The Church re­sponds to this in­vi­ta­tion in love and service.

Through­out his­tory, many Chris­tians have set them­selves apart as the ones who will com­plete the mis­sion man­date as ex­pressed in Matthew 28:18-20.  They view the “Great Com­mis­sion” as a chal­lenge to rise up, own the call for ac­tion, and com­plete the work for God. Bishop Zac Niringiye of Uganda calls these peo­ple “go-and-fix-it” Chris­tians. When un­der­stood in that way the pas­sage “sim­ply re­in­forces the il­lu­sion that it’s about us” (Chris­tian­ity To­day, Crouch 2006: n.p.). It’s very im­por­tant to un­der­stand that the mis­sion is God’s mis­sion, God’s ini­tia­tive. We need to pull our­selves out of the cen­ter of the story and rec­og­nize that it is God who is cen­tral. He will ac­com­plish His mis­sion. We the global Church are in­vited to be part of His vic­to­ri­ous mission.

So if God’s Spirit is mov­ing to ac­com­plish God’s mis­sion and invit­ing the global Church to par­tic­i­pate with him in the work, we need to re-eval­u­ate our strate­gies and ob­jec­tives, es­pe­cially in light of the growth of the Church in the South and East. Most mis­sion strat­egy and method­ol­ogy are still in the hands of the West. Most mis­sion en­deav­ors are still re­sourced from the West. Foun­da­tional to this par­a­digm is the as­sump­tion that the “task”, then, is also the re­spon­si­bil­ity of the West. But this can­not con­tinue. West­ern­ers can­not ig­nore, work around or sim­ply en­dure the global Church as they seek to com­plete their self-as­sumed re­spon­si­bil­ity from God. There needs to be a par­a­digm shift from West­ern own­er­ship to poly­cen­tric cooperation.

In light of that, we in Wycliffe need to reeval­u­ate our place in the global con­text. We need a par­a­digm shift our­selves from func­tion­ing as an in­ter­na­tional mis­sion cen­tered in the West to a global col­lec­tion of or­ga­ni­za­tions work­ing to­gether in har­mony for God’s King­dom. Our new name, Wycliffe Global Al­liance, sig­ni­fies our de­sire to bring var­i­ous and mul­ti­ple part­ners to­gether for cre­ative, col­lab­o­ra­tive think­ing, work­ing and prob­lem solv­ing. It is not our de­sire to pre­scribe is­sues and strate­gies for oth­ers, nor are we a pri­mar­ily West­ern or­ga­ni­za­tion seek­ing to ex­pand its ter­ri­tory world­wide. On the con­trary, we are an al­liance of like-minded yet ex­tremely di­verse or­ga­ni­za­tions and move­ments around the world, at­tempt­ing to think and work un­der God’s di­rec­tion. To that end we are seek­ing to build poly­cen­tric lead­er­ship in the Al­liance, so voices from all par­tic­i­pat­ing na­tions are rep­re­sented in the vi­sion and the work.

“An­other shift in our or­ga­ni­za­tional think­ing ad­dresses how we de­fine and eval­u­ate suc­cess. We seek to mea­sure our­selves by re­la­tion­ships rather than statistics.”

Of course this new arrange­ment as an Al­liance im­pacts our pur­pose for ex­is­tence, re­quir­ing a par­a­digm shift in or­ga­ni­za­tional think­ing. Orig­i­nally Wycliffe Bible Trans­la­tors ex­isted for one pur­pose—to re­source SIL In­ter­na­tional (and a hand­ful of na­tional or­ga­ni­za­tions that were do­ing Bible trans­la­tion and lit­er­acy in their own coun­tries with ex­ten­sive help from SIL). We are con­scious of the in­flu­ence global trends have on us. While it is still our aim to see a Bible trans­lated for each lan­guage group that needs one, we re­al­ize that we do not op­er­ate in a vac­uum. It is God who in­vites us to par­tic­i­pate with him in achiev­ing this vi­sion, but He wills that the par­tic­i­pants come from His global Church. To­day the Al­liance and its Par­tic­i­pat­ing Or­ga­ni­za­tions are pro­vid­ing mean­ing­ful lead­er­ship in the Bible trans­la­tion move­ment world­wide. Whereas pre­vi­ously WBTI’s 45 mem­ber or­ga­ni­za­tions were pri­mar­ily from the West, to­day, of the 120 or­ga­ni­za­tions par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Al­liance, 70 per­cent are from the global South and East, and 30 per­cent are re­spon­si­ble for lead­er­ship in Bible trans­la­tion pro­grams in their own coun­tries and else­where. SIL is one of our strate­gic partners.

An­other shift in our or­ga­ni­za­tional think­ing ad­dresses how we de­fine and eval­u­ate suc­cess. We seek to mea­sure our­selves by re­la­tion­ships rather than sta­tis­tics. Vi­sion 2025 was adopted at a time when West­ern in­flu­ence in mis­sion lead­er­ship and strat­egy were at their peak. While we are en­cour­aged by the num­ber of peo­ple gain­ing un­der­stand­ing of God through ac­cess to His Word in their lan­guage, our or­ga­ni­za­tional mea­sure of suc­cess will be re­al­ized in the col­lab­o­ra­tion of churches and mis­sion agen­cies that are work­ing in har­mony, serv­ing com­mu­ni­ties with­out ac­cess to the Bible.

All of this pro­vides a the­o­log­i­cal, mis­si­o­log­i­cal and prac­ti­cal foun­da­tion for the Al­liance struc­ture, and it of­fers a frame­work for why we have iden­ti­fied the Par­tic­i­pa­tion Streams: Church En­gage­ment, Prayer, Fundrais­ing, Re­cruit­ing and Send­ing Peo­ple, Spe­cialty Ser­vices, Tech­ni­cal Train­ing and Lan­guage Programs. These seven streams help us iden­tify ways God is call­ing our or­ga­ni­za­tions to par­tic­i­pate to­gether in His mis­sion. They help us think and act re­spon­si­bly in a new paradigm.

Kirk Franklin serves as the Ex­ec­u­tive Di­rec­tor of the Wycliffe Global Al­liance. Dawn Kruger is the Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Co­or­di­na­tor for the Al­liance's Asia-Pa­cific Area.

01/2025 Americas, global

'It speaks their language'

Course gives pastors and other leaders a new understanding of the church's role and responsibility in Bible translation

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Americas, global

Special Report

A course developed by the Wycliffe Global Alliance, called 'Language and Translation in the Mission of God', is capturing the imagination of church leaders worldwide. A first-hand look at how the course impacted attendees in Bogotá, Colombia  How the Alliance and YWAM discovered common ground: 'I'm finally understanding that translation is about people' In Brazil, a dozen seminaries are using the course. And Deaf communities in that nation have found a deeper connection A funding opportunity for Alliance organisations and partners VIDEO SHORTS 'My theology was transformed' A Broader Perspective Impacting Hearts & Communities 'You have to come hear this!' Leaving a Legacy More Perspectives on the Course's Impact   If you are interested in learning how Language and Translation in the Mission of God might benefit your particular organisation and context, please email us at and we will put you in touch with Bryan Harmelink, the Alliance’s Director for Collaboration. ••• Stories reported by Gwen Davies of the Wycliffe Global Alliance Communication and Prayer teams. Title illustration is AI-derived from a photo showing Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain. Original photo: Marc Ewell. Alliance organisations are welcome to download and use photos from these articles.

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Americas, global

'I'm finally understanding that translation is about people'

How the Alliance and YWAM discovered common ground

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