Revival During the Pandemic
Stories to encourage and strengthen – Wycliffe World Day of Prayer 2021
As COVID-19 began to spread in Peru last year, ATEK was in the middle of pastoral training for Quechua-speaking pastors and leaders. Due to the emergency, we had to finish early and send everyone home to help preserve their health and obey our national leaders. Since then, we have canceled all of our scheduled activities, including trips, workshops, and training sessions. Now we face new challenges: Peru has quarantine laws and has banned gatherings of all kinds. We have to stay isolated in our homes without going out until we receive an announcement from the government.
At times the situation has been uncertain, especially for our Quechua brothers, some with fears, anguish, and despair, about what would happen to them and their families. So the ATEK team had to respond to convey confidence and hope in God.Fredi Quintanilla of ATEK in Perú
However, what is currently happening with the Quechua-speaking church is truly something extraordinary! There is revival! We see a living and active church working to welcome new converts added to the church every day. Local congregations are working to disciple those who return to Christ. Although the government prohibits gatherings, the church in the communities gathers as families in small groups to pray together and they hike in the mountains to fast and pray. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it! Every day we are getting calls for more Bibles for new believers.
We handed out the last 600 Quechua Bibles we had and need many more as the calls continue to come in. All of these are for new believers.
The prolonged quarantine also led to another problem, lack of food. The ATEK team, with permission from the state, brought donated products from communities and other good-hearted people, delivering food to those in need in the city.
Give thanks that God has used ATEK to meet both physical and spiritual needs during this pandemic-caused crisis.
Fredi Quintanilla Palomino
Director ATEK (Associación Tawantinsuyuman Evangelioq K’ancharinanpaq)
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